The workshops from the list below are the complimentary part of full tickets.

The recordings of most workshops will be shared with full ticket holders after the conference.

Workshops will be run remotely via Zoom.

Free 3h Workshops
Roy Derks

GraphQL for React Developers

There are many advantages to using GraphQL as a datasource for frontend development, compared to REST APIs. We developers in example need to write a lot of imperative code to retrieve data to display in our applications and handle state. With GraphQL you cannot only decrease the amount of code needed around data fetching and state-management you'll also get increased flexibility, better performance and most of all an improved developer experience. In this workshop you'll learn how GraphQL can improve your work as a frontend developer and how to handle GraphQL in your frontend React application.

Table of contents
  • - Getting started with GraphQL
  • - GraphQL Queries
  • - Mutating Data
  • - GraphQL in React
  • - Using a GraphQL Client
Workshop schedule & location

Date & time: Dec 7, 16:00-20:00 CET. Remote via Zoom.

Topher Lamey

How to Automate Security Testing for Your GraphQL Service (from StackHawk team)

We’ve all heard the buzz around pushing application security into the hands of developers, but if you’re like most companies, it has been hard to actually make this a reality. You aren’t alone – putting the culture, processes, and tooling in place to make this happen is tough – especially for sophisticated applications like those backed by GraphQL.

In this hands-on technical session, StackHawk Lead Engineer Topher Lamey will walk through how to protect your GraphQL APIs from vulnerabilities using automated security testing. Get ready to roll-up your sleeves for automated AppSec testing.

Workshop schedule & location

Date & time: Dec 1, 17:00-20:00 CET. Remote via Zoom.

Jamie Barton

Building GraphQL Backends with SDL

In this workshop we'll cover the basics of GraphQL, and then use that knowledge to build a backend using SDL. Once we've created our schema, we'll run it locally, deploy to production, and create deployment branches for any changes to our schema. We'll finish the workshop by fetching data from our backend from the frontend, as well as adding authentication to lock down data access!


Mac setup with Node, and NPM (if you wish to follow along locally). Otherwise an account with CodeSandbox would do.

Workshop schedule & location

Date & time: Dec 12, 16:00-19:00 CET. Remote via Zoom.

William Lyon

Building GraphQL APIs With The Neo4j GraphQL Library & Neo4j AuraDB

Learn how to use the Neo4j GraphQL library to build Node.js GraphQL APIs backed by the Neo4j graph database. This course covers building GraphQL APIs using the Neo4j GraphQL Library and the Neo4j AuraDB cloud-native database to build an ecomerce GraphQL API backed by a native graph database in the cloud.

Table of contents
  • - Introduction To GraphQL & Neo4j
  • - The Neo4j GraphQL Library: modeling a graph with GraphQL type definitions; creating and querying a GraphQL API using the Neo4j GraphQL Library
  • - Adding Custom Logic With Cypher And Custom Resolvers: using the @cypher GraphQL schema directive; adding custom resolver functions with the Neo4j GraphQL Library
  • - Authorization With The Neo4j GraphQL Library: working with JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) to authenticate your API users; using the @auth GraphQL schema directive to attach authorization rules to your GraphQL API

No local setup is required for the workshop. We will make use of Codesandbox (a browser-based tool for editing and running code in the browser) and Neo4j AuraDB, a free managed database service. Some familiarity with GraphQL and JavaScript is helpful, however not strictly required. No experience with Neo4j is necessary.

Workshop level


Workshop schedule & location

Date & time: Dec 6, 17:00-20:00 CET. Remote via Zoom.

William Lyon

Hands-On With SwiftUI, GraphQL, & Neo4j AuraDB

Bring the power of graphs to iOS mobile app development in this hands-on workshop. We will explore how to use the Neo4j GraphQL Library to build GraphQL APIs backed by Neo4j AuraDB and how to integrate GraphQL into an iOS app using SwiftUI and the Apollo iOS GraphQL library as we build a news reader mobile app.

Table of contents
  • - Intro to Neo4j AuraDB
  • - Building GraphQL APIs with the Neo4j GraphQL Library
  • - Intro to SwiftUI
  • - SwiftUI + GraphQL

To follow along during the workshop attendees will need a Mac laptop with a recent version of Xcode installed. Some familiarity with Swift and iOS app development will be helpful, although not required. Please clone the workshop GitHub repository prior to the workshop.

Workshop level


Workshop schedule & location

Date & time: Dec 7, 17:00-20:00 CET. Remote via Zoom.

Jim Barton

Using Envoy Proxy as a GraphQL Engine

GraphQL is an open-source data query language for APIs that has grown in popularity among enterprises seeking to simplify client-server interactions. It provides a powerful and flexible alternative to REST for requesting data from microservices applications via declarative data fetching, with a client specifying exactly what data it needs from an API and underlying services through a single endpoint. Although GraphQL provides a consistent and predictable API, the code, time, and effort required to build the GraphQL server to respond to requests can be considerable, requiring developers to write specific libraries for caching, security, rate-limiting, failover, and many other functions. However, by using Envoy, you can easily expose a GraphQL API without the need for a backend GraphQL server. In this workshop, we will explore:

  • Discovery: Learn how to use Gloo Edge to automatically discover services and create a GraphQL schema
  • GraphQL resolvers and schemas: Use Gloo Edge to create a GraphQL resolver that calls different services and uses them in a schema
  • Security: Protect your GraphQL with an API Key and prevent Data Loss
  • UI: Explore the Gloo Edge UI to view, create, or test your GraphQL API
Workshop schedule & location

Date & time: Dec 5, 17:00-18:30 CET. Remote via Zoom.

Uri Goldshtein

GraphQL Mesh - The Graph of Everything - Federated architecture for any API service protocol

GraphQL Mesh has changed how the ecosystem and industry think about GraphQL and APIs in general.

You don't need to migrate your existing services in order to benefit from GraphQL. You don't need to use a special Federation protocol in order to federate your services. You can even expose REST APIs using GraphQL.

Connect to any existing data source or service(OpenAPI/Swagger, gRPC, SOAP, Postgres), manipulate its data (Naming Conventions, filter, middlewares), add powerful gateway plugins (caching, tracing, security), create a powerful gateway and run it anywhere (Cloudflare Workers, Deno, etc...).

Complete power and freedom.

In this workshop, we will go through the many novel ideas behind GraphQL Mesh, see them in action and learn how to use this complete API platform today on your existing codebase. Uri would leave time for an open Q&A session where we can talk in-depth about your current setups and how you could leverage The Guild's ecosystem of tools.

Workshop schedule & location

Date & time: Dec 13, 16:00-19:00 CET. Remote via Zoom.


Roy Derks
StepZen, The Netherlands

Roy Derks is a developer, author and public speaker from the Netherlands. His mission is to make the world a better place through tech by training and inspiring developers worldwide. Currently he is working with StepZen on a mission to make GraphQL adoption easy and scalable.

Topher Lamey
StackHawk, USA

Topher Lamey has been working in the software startup scene since 1994, starting in the SF Bay Area at companies like Interactive Network and Netscape. He moved to Denver and has been part of the growing startup scene, working at places like Local Matters, ReadyTalk, and now StackHawk. Over the years, he has worked in various technical and managerial roles, from technical support to testing automation to JVM performance testing to Chief Architect to VP of Engineering. He lives in Littleton, CO with family, and in his spare time he rides his bike and likes to play various musical instruments.

Jamie Barton
Grafbase, UK

GraphQL, React, Serverless, and Jamstack advocate. Mostly creating videos and content on this, and more.

William Lyon
Neo4j, USA

William Lyon is a Developer Advocate at Neo4j where he helps developers be successful with graphs. William holds a master's degree in Computer Science from the University of Montana and is the author of the book "Full Stack GraphQL Applications" published by Manning. You can find him online at lyonwj.com.

Jim Barton
Solo.io, USA

Jim Barton is a Field Engineer for Solo.io whose enterprise software career spans 30 years. He has enjoyed roles as a project engineer, sales and consulting engineer, product development manager, and executive leader of tech startups. Prior to Solo, he spent a decade architecting, building and operating systems based on enterprise open-source technologies, at the likes of Red Hat, Amazon, and Zappos. After two years of COVID-driven, Zoom-encrusted isolation, Jim especially enjoys sharing with and learning from three-dimensional people at technical conferences around the world.

Uri Goldshtein
The Guild, Israel

Uri Goldshtein is the founder of The Guild, the largest open source group in the GraphQL ecosystem. They support large companies to go through successful technological transformations.